Saturday 23 February 2013

Water Resources Planning 2013

Security for water has become a global issue on which almost the entire world is working on it. Whatever we are doing whatever innovations or discoveries we are doing actually we are using the natural resources rather by extensive use of natural resources, but we are not actually realising the fact that whatever resources we are using that are limited one day it will come to an end. So, we should have a limited usage of all the natural resources including air, land and water. Many countries are facing challenges in controlling water pollution. The more the water gets polluted; scarcity for fresh water will increase day by day. So, we should be very much aware of water security. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Water pollution Effects on Human Body

Water pollution is now a global threat. As we all know earth consist of land and water, one third of the total is of water and rest consist of land. But one third part of water is not the fresh water but rather it is of saline water. We have a very limited source of fresh water which we can use for our domestic purpose or for daily use which is mainly for drinking, but due massive water pollution and heavy water wastage water security has become on the greatest challenge that is being faced by the countries all over the water.